Whether you’re a cat lover or not, you're likely to come across one of these adorable furry shop guardians as you go about your day.

Whether you’re a cat lover or not, you are likely to come across at least one furry shop guardian as you go about your day in Hong Kong. You might find them lurking around the dried seafood store, sprawled across market stalls, or even lazing on the countertop at the local fruit and veg shop. But we're not complaining – after all, this is one of the things we love most about Hong Kong, along with insanely strong grannies, taxis with a million dashboard phones, and so much more.
Feisty shop cats are quite famous among locals in the city, so much so that talented Dutch photographer Marcel Heijnen even made a photo book of his favourites called Hong Kong Shop Cats back in 2015. Then there was that time when Tsim Tung Brother Cream, a British Shorthair cat that quickly gained a lot of attention when he was reported missing (and later found) back in 2012, triggered a Facebook campaign that ultimately lead to his stardom. He now has his own website, a huge range of merchandise, and has even appeared on local and international news like CNN! So, in honour of these p-awsome shop assistants (sorry, couldn't resist), we thought we'd share our own favourite moggies who brighten up our day. Get ready for some serious cuteness overload.
The Perrier Puss
Giving the term 'glamour puss' a whole new meaning, this classy little feline can often be spotted – or shall we say admired – in the Perrier-Jouët champagne window display at Cheung Kee International Wines on Wing Lok Street in Sheung Wan. With her elegant poise and pensive expression, you could almost mistake her for being a statue (we know we did) but alas, she's just a furry diva looking to be worshipped. "We're not worthy!"

The Mobile Moggie
Sales can be a tough job, but this mellow moggie makes it look like a piece of cake. Often found sprawled over the latest iPhone covers in a market stall off Percival Street in Causeway Bay, he's only too happy to help distract you with his cuteness while you try to shop, often forgetting what you came for. He'll even keep the phone cables nice and toasty for you while you choose. Just look at his face – mobile moggie just melts our hearts.

The Nugget Ninjas
Step away from the chicken nuggets! You might be going hungry tonight if you happen to stumble upon this cheeky duo who have proclaimed themselves guardians of the frozen food counter at this Wan Chai market grocery store. Judging by the look on their faces, we think we'll avoid the risk of being hissed at and opt to eat out. After all, there are plenty of great noodle shops in that neighbourhood, right?

The Space Cadet
Think you're the champion of stare-offs? Think again. This cute little space cadet can go minutes – perhaps even hours (we didn't hang around long enough to find out) without blinking once. Life is pretty chilled at the dried seafood shop in Sheung Wan where he hangs out, but while he seems quite content welcoming customers at the door, we can't help but wonder, can he see something (or someone) we can't? Oooh, creepy.

The Caffeine Cats
While Post Collection HK, which is tucked away on On Lok Lane in Wan Chai, isn't officially a cat cafe, its most famous residents just so happen to be two adorable moggies who love nothing more than a little tickle and a stroke as you wait for your coffee to be made at the counter. These loveable guys certainly feel at home in the company of hungry punters looking for a quick bite to eat. They even have their own merchandise on sale in the cafe too. Tough life, ay?
